The septic tank is the most optimal device for organizing the disposal of liquid household waste in any country house or summer cottage. What is the best septic tank for a summer residence to choose from their available variety, we will try to figure it out. After all, there are both the simplest home-made installations and modern autonomous stations that allow deep cleaning of domestic wastewater to their environmentally safe state. Today everyone can choose a septic tank for a summer residence, whatever they wish. It all depends on the specific needs and the amount of money.

What is the best septic tank for a summer residence: we choose depending on the conditions of the site

The septic tank is designed for collection and filtration of liquid household waste

What are septic tanks and what is the principle of their work

A septic tank is a local device that is connected to the local household sewer system. A septic tank is necessary in order to collect, settle and purify waste water that is discharged from the house through this sewer. These devices are installed in places where there is no centralized sewage infrastructure. In most cases, these are country houses or summer cottages and a huge number of entire settlements in the rural outback, where there is no sewage system.

Septic tank device diagram

Septic tank device diagram

The choice of the right septic tank depends not only on the volume of effluent, but also to a greater extent on the local natural conditions. Therefore, for a competent assessment of a future purchase, you need to understand a little about the device and the principles of operation of various types of installations. Any septic tank existing today is a reservoir that can be divided into two or more departments. The general principle of the installation is as follows:

  • through sewage pipes, sewage with sewage enters the first tank, which acts as a sump. In it, heavy components sink and accumulate at the bottom. Light fractions and fats accumulate on the surface of the water;
  • with the help of an overflow, this liquid enters the second compartment, where their further settling and decomposition of organic matter occurs when bacteria act on it;
  • the last section allows you to purify the water so that after passing through the filtration fields it can be safely poured into the ground, infiltrating through which it is completely cleansed of all harmful substances and odors.
An example of arranging a septic tank at a summer cottage

An example of arranging a septic tank at a summer cottage

Useful advice! For complete wastewater treatment, you can use installations that provide for the use of biofilters. For such septic tanks, no filtration fields will be needed.

What is the best septic tank for a summer residence: the principles of choice

Before choosing a septic tank for your summer cottage, you need to draw up a small technical task that would give answers to the following questions:

  • how much liquid is discharged from the house per day. To do this, you need to know the number of family members living in the household and possible guests. Household appliances that use water installed in the house and their average daily productivity are taken into account. This includes a washing machine and dishwasher, as well as showers and taps;
Inside view of the septic tank

Inside view of the septic tank

  • what is the composition of the soil and the depth of the groundwater. This is necessary to determine the possibility and necessity of setting fields for filtering;
  • what is the main purpose of the house. That is, it is a temporary home for a family or a permanent one;
  • how much do you consider possible to spend on creation septic tank funds.

If the answers to all these questions are given accurate, then you can begin to choose the most acceptable device for yourself.

A septic tank is the optimal solution for a holiday village that does not have a centralized sewage system

A septic tank is the optimal solution for a holiday village in which there is no centralized sewage system

Choosing the required septic tank performance

Before buying or an independent device of any septic tank, it is necessary to determine the required performance. This indicator determines the amount of waste liquid that the installation is able to process per day. The number of compartments and their volume depends on it.

Useful advice! According to building codes and regulations, the septic tank should hold as much water as it can be discharged by households in three days. It is not rational to use a smaller volume of a septic tank, since the water simply will not have time to be filtered and it will have to be constantly pumped out.

The optimal depth of placing a septic tank in the ground

The optimal depth of placing a septic tank in the ground

It is generally accepted that if less than 1 m³ of wastewater is generated per day, there is no need for multi-chamber septic tanks. Two-chamber models are installed when this indicator is reached from 1 to 10 m³ / day. If the indicator is even higher, then there is a need for a three-chamber installation.

Related article:

kak-vybratj-septik-dlya-chastnogo-doma-8How to choose a septic tank for a private house from various options. What are the complexity of the device there are sewage treatment plants for domestic wastewater in a private country house and which one is better to choose.

About which is the best septic tank for a summer cottage, which will be visited only periodically for a family vacation, you do not need to rack your brains, since the cheapest small single-chamber storage device will be enough for it. It is made in the form of a reservoir into which sewage simply flows from the house. At the same time, you should constantly monitor the level of its filling in order to call the sewage truck in time to pump out this container.

The neat septic tank lid does not spoil the appearance of the suburban area

The neat septic tank lid does not spoil the appearance of the suburban area

The services of sewers are quite expensive. Moreover, the amount can be greatly overestimated when the dacha is in a hard-to-reach or remote place. For this reason, in summer cottages or in country houses with permanent residence, it is still better to arrange overflow structures in which the water will be purified and drained into the natural environment.

This is especially important for a cottage, which has the same amenities as an apartment in an apartment building, and sometimes even a large one. Indeed, in such houses, saunas and swimming pools are often built, giving a huge amount of wastewater. For such cottages, models of septic tanks with very high performance are needed.

Mounting dimensions of the septic tank arrangement

Mounting dimensions of the septic tank arrangement

Useful advice! If the water consumption in the household is very high, you can purchase a septic tank equipped with an aeration device. The aerator installed on the structure allows creating a favorable environment for aerobic microorganisms, which perfectly clean any wastewater, increasing the septic tank performance.

How soil properties affect the choice of a septic tank

Modern treatment devices operate in conjunction with effluent filtration fields.However, their construction is not always possible due to the fact that the soil is not suitable for this. Clay soils cannot pass water through themselves, and, therefore, are not able to filter it. The high occurrence of groundwater (closer than 150 cm from the surface) makes it impossible in principle to arrange filtration fields.

How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence under such conditions? There is a way out - this is a septic tank with a biological filter. It is a ready-made purification unit, when passing through which water becomes completely safe for the environment and can even be used for watering plants.

Useful advice! Installation of bioseptics is justified in homes where you live permanently. With prolonged downtime of the installation, microorganisms die, since they do not have a nutrient substrate.

Choosing a ready-made septic tank or making it yourself

The industry today offers quite different options for septic tanks for sewerage equipment for a private country house or summer cottage. It's enough just to buy and install them according to the instructions by connecting to them sewer pipes... You can also independently make such storage and treatment facilities. When buying a finished product for wastewater treatment, we acquire:

  • simple and straightforward installation of the entire structure on your site, even independently, even by the efforts of a team of specialists;
  • quick and hassle-free connection of the entire system and its launch;
  • absence of “dirty” technologies during the construction process.
Characteristics and purpose of septic tank process tanks

Characteristics and purpose of septic tank process tanks

However, we purchase such septic tanks for a fairly high price. Self-made septic tank, in the opinion of many, saves money. More often than not, this is not entirely true. After all, the cost of consumables is also quite high. In addition, installation and commissioning work can take a long time for various reasons.

Choosing a septic tank from finished products

What is the best septic tank for a summer residence to choose from those already on sale, if there are so many of them? To begin with, we look at the performance and choose the most optimal one for ourselves. There are mini septic tanks that can meet the needs of a family of 1 or 2 people. Other models are designed to clean the drains of entire cottage villages. For any model, there is information about how many people living in the house it is designed for.

The containers are made from different materials:

  • stainless steel, sometimes with a polymer layer;
  • fiberglass or carbon fiber, which are very light, so even one person can install them without using construction equipment;
  • concrete rings - an outdated method that is now rarely used for this purpose.
Diagram of the arrangement of a septic tank in the country with their own hands

Diagram of the arrangement of a septic tank in the country with their own hands

The container is secured with nylon belts (anchoring) or the walls and the bottom of the pit are concreted in order to prevent the septic tank from floating up for summer cottages. Which method to choose for such a soil, each is determined for himself, based on his capabilities and preferences.

As for the manufacturers of septic tanks on the market, you can with some confidence choose several of them, whose products are replete with a large number of reviews: "Tank", "Kedr", "DSK", "Triton", "Topas", "Krot", Ecoline, Unilos. There are different reviews for their products, from sharply negative to admiring. How much to trust them, everyone's business, but it is worth studying them before buying in order to have a good idea of ​​a particular product and the features of its device and installation.

Placing a plastic container of a septic tank in a summer cottage

Placing a plastic container of a septic tank in a summer cottage

Now we have realized that in order to determine which is the best septic tank for a summer residence, you need to know the technical conditions for its construction on your specific site in relation to the state of the soil and the level of groundwater.Knowing this, it is not difficult to arrange a comparative description of the models you have noted with similar technical parameters and choose the most suitable one in terms of price range.

Septic tank for giving (video)