With frequent use of the garage, it becomes necessary to organize heating communications, since in the winter, being in a cold room is associated with certain inconveniences. Conducting an autonomous system is often too expensive. In order to organize heating in the garage, there are several ways that anyone can implement. Each of them has its own pros and cons that you need to pay attention to.

Heating in the garage: finding the most efficient and economical way

Installation of a garage heating system increases the comfort of being inside the building during the cold season

Heating for garage: Advantages and disadvantages

Heated structures have obvious advantages. However, many people do not even know how important heating communication is for this building. First of all, it must be said that it is easier to start a car in a heated garage. This is explained quite easily: at normal temperatures, engine oil does not thicken.

An important requirement that is put forward for the heating structure of the garage is autonomy

An important requirement that is put forward for the heating structure of the garage is autonomy

The thinner the oil, the more gentle the effect it has on various engine components. Thus, the installation of heating communications increases the vehicle's service life. Installing a garage heating system (no matter what) increases the comfort of being inside the building during the cold season.

Freezing locks on car doors are a common problem. This happens most often after washing the car. In a heated garage, this problem simply does not exist. However, in addition to the obvious advantages, there are some disadvantages associated with heating the garage structure. For example, the arrangement of any type of heating is associated with an increase in financial costs.

When installing a furnace, boiler or any other structure, there is a risk of their failure. In a confined space, this can lead to an emergency. In order to decide how to heat the garage, it is recommended to carefully study each of the heating methods.

Note! Before starting the installation of heating, it is necessary to think carefully about the future design and perform it schematically with the designation of all the nuances.

The presence of heating communication in the garage increases the vehicle's service life

The presence of heating communication in the garage increases the vehicle's service life

Heating in the garage: space heating requirements

The main reason for the various problems associated with the heating system is excessive savings. This leads to the installation of low-quality and unprotected structures, which can create an emergency. Of course, there are other problems, for example, ignoring the simplest rules for designing heating.

Before proceeding with the installation of heating communications, it is recommended to study the requirements that are put forward for it. Such a system must be reliable and easy to operate. And also it must have good resistance to temperature fluctuations. Much in this case depends on what material the garage structure is made of. Photo and video materials on this topic allow you to get an answer to the question of how to make heating in the garage.

Another requirement that is put forward for the heating structure is autonomy. Electric heating in this case is not the most profitable solution, since in the absence of current, the heating is also turned off.

Antifreeze is recommended as a heat carrier. This substance does not freeze at low temperatures. In addition, you can carry out heating in the garage with antifreeze. Each of these methods allows you to protect the heating structure from freezing and ensure its efficient operation.

When organizing heating in the garage, it is necessary to think carefully about fire safety

When organizing heating in the garage, it is necessary to think carefully about fire safety

There are several conditions that should be taken into account when installing heating communications. It is very important to minimize heat loss in the garage. For this, walls and roofs can be insulated. The heat insulation of the garage door also helps to maintain the desired temperature, through which rather large heat losses occur.

The second rule that requires mandatory observance is the laying of effective ventilation communication. To heat the garage, you need to create a system with a temperature within 100 ° C. This is enough for the humidity inside the building to meet the standards. Compliance with this rule allows you to avoid problems that arise when starting the engine of the machine.

Helpful information! When organizing heating in the garage, it is necessary to think carefully about fire safety. The places where fire extinguishers and other fire protection equipment will be located are marked on the preliminary drawing without fail. This is especially important when a gas boiler is used to heat the garage.

If a structure that operates on liquid fuel will be used for heating, then it is recommended to place a special box with asbestos cloth near the heating module. In the event of an emergency, this precaution will help eliminate the fire and save the building.

Insulation of the garage door helps to maintain the desired temperature

Insulation of the garage door helps to maintain the desired temperature

Heating in the garage with your own hands: classic water-based design

One of the ways to heat a garage structure involves the use of heating devices, in which water serves as a heat carrier. This method does not require the organization of a separate system. This is an absolute advantage. However, it should be remembered that in this case an additional load is formed, which affects the general heating communication.

Water heating of the garage requires a competent calculation, since the addition of one more branch to the overall structure affects the indicators on which the heating efficiency depends. One of them is the pressure in pipes and heaters.When choosing radiators for a garage building, it is worth remembering that they must have a certain power reserve.

The addition of an additional branch affects the fuel consumption, which is used to obtain heat energy. Despite this, this method is more profitable from a financial point of view than many others.

When choosing radiators for garage construction, you need to take into account that they must have a certain power reserve

When choosing radiators for garage construction, you need to take into account that they must have a certain power reserve

The easiest way to organize heating of a garage structure is when the building is located in close proximity to a residential building - at a distance of no more than 15-20 m. One radiator is sufficient for water heating in the garage. The number of sections is selected depending on the following factors:

  • average annual temperature in the region;
  • garage dimensions;
  • building material.

As practice shows, for the organization of normal heating, a radiator is needed containing from 6 to 20 segments. However, exceptions are possible if the dimensions of the garage are large or the structure has an unusual layout.

Garage water heating: installation of a separate boiler

There is a second option for organizing water heating for the garage. It involves the installation of a separate heater. This method is recommended by experts in the case when the garage structure is located at a considerable distance from a residential building.

When arranging water heating in a garage with your own hands, you should understand the principle of operation of the structure

When arranging water heating in a garage with your own hands, you should understand the principle of operation of the structure

Many experts recommend using antifreeze when arranging a separate heater in the garage. This coolant eliminates the possibility of freezing the system. For regions with cold winters, this option is the most acceptable. If desired, you can choose another coolant. For example, heating in an antifreeze garage is popular. It will not be difficult to make such a system with your own hands, you just need to follow the instructions.

Helpful information! Installation of a separate boiler eliminates heat losses that are inevitable when transporting the coolant from the main line to the auxiliary line.

When arranging water heating in a garage with your own hands, you should understand the principle of operation of the structure. Otherwise, self-assembly may be difficult. The heater is necessary for heating the coolant. After the coolant reaches the desired temperature, it is transported through pipes to the battery. Then it gives off heat to the environment, cools down and returns to the boiler.

To organize normal heating, a radiator containing from 6 to 20 segments is required

To organize normal heating, a radiator containing from 6 to 20 segments is required

The radiators are connected to the boiler in two ways. One of them is parallel and the other is serial. The type of connection depends on the number of pipes coming from the battery. The parallel version provides uniform heating of each radiator installed inside the garage building. It uses two pipelines. The second option provides for the arrangement of a one-pipe system, which is more acceptable in such conditions.

Other advantages of the serial connection include ease of installation and lower financial costs for materials. When organizing heating a garage with your own hands according to this scheme, it is necessary to take into account that in each subsequent radiator the temperature of the coolant will be lower than in the previous one.

Many garage owners make boilers on their own. This significantly reduces financial costs, but increases the complexity of the work. In this case, old radiators and pipes are suitable for the heating system. As expansion tanks it is customary to use plastic containers.

Connecting radiators to the boiler is done in various ways.

Connecting radiators to the boiler is done in various ways.

Heating garagebut electricity: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Heating a garage building by using electricity is the most comfortable way in terms of ease of installation and initial financial costs. The main disadvantage of this method is the increase in energy costs. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method in more detail.

The organization of heating communication, which operates on electricity, eliminates the need for the use of solid and liquid fuels. This significantly increases the operational convenience of the system, since there are no unpleasant odors and pollution that require cleaning.

Electric heating of the garage can be arranged using various appliances. The modern market has a wide selection of infrared, oil and other devices that operate on the network.

If the device has sufficient power, then it can heat the air inside the garage to a comfortable level in just 30 minutes. This is a serious advantage, since such a speed of heating the air allows you to quickly operate the garage if necessary. Garage heating boilers are leading in their efficiency.

Electric heating of the garage can be organized using various appliances

Electric heating of the garage can be organized using various appliances

It is not recommended to use portable heat fans for heating the garage. Such devices, as a rule, have low efficiency. And also when using such a device, the risk of fire increases.

Besides the cost of paying bills, there are other disadvantages to this method of heating a garage. When doing electric heating with your own hands, it is worth remembering that this method has power limitations. Because of this, it is not always possible to install a device that will be most effective under certain conditions.

Note! Today there is the possibility of arranging a combined heating communication. For example, quite often in garages you can find boilers operating from the network and combined with a water circuit to heat the garage space.

Thus, it is recommended to install electric heating in the garage when there is no need to spend a lot of time indoors. For a short stay, this option is the most suitable.

Related article:

Heat gun 220V: a review of the best heating appliances

How to choose the best device, taking into account the purpose of the heated room, the technical characteristics of the equipment and reviews.

It is worth saying that before installing a combined system, you need to take into account the power limit in a particular case. In some situations, this indicator does not allow for combined communication.

Heating the garage with electricity: the most economical way

Today there are many options for heating a garage. The simplest of them do not require complex calculations, drawing up diagrams and laborious work on installing equipment. The most economical way to heat the garage space does not require any special knowledge and skills from the owner. All that is needed for this is to choose a suitable electrical appliance for heating the air.

The most economical option for heating a garage is to purchase an infrared device.

The most economical option for heating a garage is to purchase an infrared device.

The installation of an electric boiler for heating a garage is accompanied by many difficulties. In turn, if the owner of the garage spends in it no more than 1-2 hours a day, then you can stop at a conventional convector heater.

The most economical option involves purchasing an infrared device. Electricity bills in this case are minimal. However, such devices are quite expensive.The expediency of purchasing an infrared heater is determined for each case separately.

The traditional way of heating a garage space, which many people use, involves the purchase of a convector electric appliance. Electricity costs are higher in this case, but they are not critical. The cost of convection appliances is approximately 2 times lower than the price of infrared heaters.

When choosing a cheap garage heating, you need to know that there are many instructions describing various home-made devices, the effectiveness of which rarely meets expectations. In addition, making homemade appliances increases the risk of spontaneous ignition inside a building.

The traditional way of heating a garage is a convector heater.

The traditional way of heating a garage is a convector heater.

Another type of device is known, which is called heat guns. They differ in that they have the highest efficiency among all heating electrical appliances of this type. The disadvantage of such devices is that during operation they consume too much electricity, which is inevitably reflected in the electricity bills.

Heating the garage with gas: main features of the method

Gas is currently considered one of the cheapest fuels. Heating equipment operating on gas can be easily found on the modern market and purchased at a very reasonable cost. Selecting the appropriate design option for such a fuel requires consideration of all possible systems.

Note! If desired, you can equip a full-fledged heating communication with a gas boiler. For a garage, this option is considered the most difficult and time consuming. Among other things, the installation of such equipment is carried out only after obtaining permits from the regulatory authorities. In this case, the installation of the boiler is carried out by qualified employees of the gas service according to the project prepared earlier.

The financial and time costs of installing a gas boiler, as a rule, do not justify themselves. Experts recommend considering this method of heating a garage space only if this building is capital and has large dimensions.

In the garage, you can equip a full-fledged heating communication with a gas boiler

In the garage, you can equip a full-fledged heating communication with a gas boiler

Another heating method involves the use of a special heat gun. In this case, heating occurs due to the fact that fuel is burned inside the device (in a special burner). The heat generated by the combustion of the gas is distributed by means of a fan. Garage heating schemes should take into account all the nuances of the design.

Another common method involves the use of a special heater. All devices of this type are divided into two large groups, depending on the principle of operation. The first of them includes catalytic-type devices, and units from the second group heat the room due to the combustion of gas in honeycombs made of ceramic material (infrared).

Installing a heat gun or any heater in the garage is a more expedient solution in terms of financial costs. In addition, both of these options for gas heating of a garage do not require special permits from the relevant authorities.

The gas required to meet the needs of the equipment is sold in cylinders. Before purchasing them, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of their storage, otherwise an explosion may occur. The main thing to remember is that you need to comply with fire safety standards. According to them, gas cylinders must be in a metal box (necessarily closed); no heat sources are allowed nearby.

Installing a gas heater in your garage is a more cost-effective solution.

Installing a gas heater in your garage is a more cost-effective solution.

How to organize air heating in a garage

This method of heating the garage space takes into account the use of a heater that provides direct air heating. There are several units that fit this description. They all differ from each other in design and the fuel that is used to operate them. The following devices are used for direct air heating:

  • potbelly stove (solid fuel);
  • a dropper stove, operating at the expense of waste oil and diesel fuel;
  • oil radiator;
  • electric convector;
  • heat gun;
  • gas convector.

Heating a garage with a potbelly stove is one of the most common methods that is used everywhere. In order to make your own heating structure of this type, you must read the instructions. Potbelly stove can be purchased ready-made. However, to save money, it is better to assemble this device yourself. To make a potbelly stove, you will need to draw up a drawing or download a ready-made scheme on the Internet at one of the specialized sites.

Construction of an oil heater for a garage: 1 - expansion tank cover; 2 - expansion tank; 3 - heating tank; 4 - radiator plates; 5 - convector pipe; 6 - control valve; 7 - drain valve; 8 - heating element

Construction of an oil heater for a garage: 1 - expansion tank cover; 2 - expansion tank; 3 - heating tank; 4 - radiator plates; 5 - convector pipe; 6 - control valve; 7 - drain valve; 8 - heating element

Helpful information! Such a stove is designed taking into account the size of a particular room. For a standard garage building, designed for one car and having an area of ​​18 m², an aggregate of about 1 m² is required.

After assembling the stove according to the drawing, it is necessary to provide airflow to its body. A regular fan is suitable for this purpose. This will increase the efficiency of the structure and heat the garage faster. As a rule, such a device does not meet fire safety requirements, therefore it is recommended to take all possible protective measures before starting it.

The chimney of the potbelly stove is laid along the wall in a horizontal plane. This solution makes it possible to achieve maximum heat transfer from a homemade unit. The height of the structure should be 5 m. The measurement is taken from the grate. The pipe must be provided with a gate, which is necessary to regulate the draft in the system. A condensate collection tray should be installed at the bottom of the structure.

Optionally, you can execute air heating do it yourself with the help of a simpler (from a constructive point of view) potbelly stove. Such a device is made from a gas cylinder and is equipped with a separate heating compartment. The principle of operation of this unit is very simple: air (using a fan) passes through the chamber and heats up. This way a small garage can be heated.

Heating a garage with a potbelly stove is one of the most common heating methods

Heating a garage with a potbelly stove is one of the most common heating methods

Selection and installation of electric heaters in the garage

Before you start installing electrical appliances in the garage, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of their choice. The main indicator in this case is the power of the unit. There is one important rule that helps to calculate the required power depending on the area of ​​the structure. The square of the garage, measured in advance, must be multiplied by 0.1-0.15 kW. The resulting figure will be equal to the approximate heat output of the unit, which will be enough to heat the room.

When arranging such a heating system in the garage, you should consider your own preferences. If the number of hours spent in the garage during the day does not exceed two hours, then an infrared panel or a conventional convector can be purchased for heating.

Note! Fans, which are installed on some models of electric heaters, help speed up the heat distribution process.

When choosing a pendant infrared device, remember that during operation it heats surfaces that are located within its radius of action. To increase the efficiency of heating, several devices of lower power can be purchased instead of one heater. They must be located at different points in the room. This solution contributes to more even heating of the garage. The most economical way is to buy infrared devices that consume the least energy.

Suspended infrared device, during operation, heats surfaces that are located within its range

Suspended infrared device, during operation, heats surfaces that are located within its range

Helpful information! You can also combine different heating devices to increase heating efficiency. It is recommended to locate infrared devices in those points that require localization of the heat flow (for example, above a workbench). In turn, a heat gun is suitable for heating the rest of the space.

Autonomous garage heating using water communication

Arrangement of a heating system, in which water acts as a coolant, is advisable only if the owners of the garage spend a lot of time in it. To install such a communication, you will need to purchase the following components:

  • boiler;
  • metal radiators (cast iron or steel);
  • circulation pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • pipes;
  • antifreeze.
Pipes for autonomous heating can be made of any suitable material: polypropylene, metal-plastic or steel

Pipes for autonomous heating can be made of any suitable material: polypropylene, metal-plastic or steel

Antifreeze is the recommended heating medium. Unlike water, it does not freeze during the cold season. When arranging autonomous heating with your own hands, you should remember that the power of heating radiators is determined depending on the amount of heat required to heat a particular room.

The length of the pipeline is calculated using special tables. Pipes can be made of any suitable material: polypropylene, reinforced plastic or steel. The most common pipe diameter for organizing heating in a garage is 15 mm.

Choosing an efficient electric boiler for heating a garage requires calculating the power depending on the quadrature of the room. When buying a circulation pump, it is recommended to rely on a pressure indicator. For such a system, a device with minimum parameters (4 meters of water column) is suitable, and an expansion tank of the minimum volume is also selected.

After purchasing all the necessary materials, you need to install two radiators on 2 walls (in accordance with the length of the garage). Further, a simple two-pipe communication is constructed, which is connected to an electric boiler. This type of equipment is the most convenient for intermittent operation. Electric water heating is efficient.

Before installing the autonomous heating of the garage, you will need to draw up a diagram

Before installing the autonomous heating of the garage, you will need to draw up a diagram

Note! It is recommended to integrate a cleaning filter into the garage heating system. This will extend the operational life of the communication. In addition, a special device must be installed at the top point - an automatic air vent.

This type of closed heating circuit ensures safe and efficient heating of the garage during winter. Experts do not advise assembling open structures, as they evaporate antifreeze into the air, which can harm human health.

The most economical way to heat your garage: working off

This method is the most economical. Used oil or diesel fuel is used as fuel.To heat the garage, in this case, you will need to purchase or make your own special stove-dropper.

How to make a stove in a garage? From a constructive point of view, this device is considered very simple, so anyone without special knowledge can assemble it.

A working oven is the most economical way to heat a garage

A working oven is the most economical way to heat a garage

The dropper stove has a low cost. Units of this type meet the fire safety requirements, which is an absolute advantage. Another plus of such devices instant ignition. This makes it possible to heat the garage faster. As a rule, before using the mining, it is necessary to clean it. For this, the fuel is passed through a filter.

Such simple units are distinguished by high heat transfer and, due to their compactness, take up little space. The main disadvantage of using a dropper stove operating on mining is that it releases combustion products into the air.

Overall, this method is considered simple and effective. In order not to make mistakes when assembling such a unit, you should watch the training videos. Do-it-yourself heating in the garage can be done at minimal cost. The most economical option involves the use of diesel fuel.

Diagram of a dropper stove for heating a garage room

Diagram of a dropper stove for heating a garage room

Thus, currently there are many options for organizing heating inside a garage building. When choosing a type of heating, it is recommended to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the room. Installation of each system is carried out taking into account building codes and fire safety rules.