Sleep is an integral and essential part of every person's life. Sleep problems can have extremely negative health effects. That is why it is so important to be comfortable while falling asleep. And this is where orthopedic sleep pillows play a key role. Giving comfort to the back, they will enable you to enjoy a sound sleep.

Orthopedic sleep pillows - a guarantee of comfort and good rest

After reading reviews and user advice, you can choose an orthopedic pillow that will constantly give you a healthy and sweet sleep.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns: on guard of children's sleep

Such a concept as an orthopedic pillow for babies has arisen not so long ago. Today this product is one of the must haves in the list of accessories required for a new family member. Trying to envelop the baby with care and love, parents do not even think about the role of this product.

Babies under 2 years old do not need orthopedic pillows, but there are cases when this product becomes a necessity

Babies under 2 years old do not need orthopedic pillows, but there are cases when this product becomes a necessity

It is interesting! The duration of sleep in newborns is approximately two dozen hours throughout the day. The rest of the time, the kids just lie. That is why it is so important to take care of creating a cozy and proper sleeping place for the baby.

According to doctors, healthy babies, whose age does not exceed 2 years, do not need orthopedic pillows at all. However, there are a number of cases when such a product becomes a necessity. These include:

  • diagnosis of torticollis;
  • damaged vertebrae of the neck;
  • uneven head;
  • birth injury;
  • increased or decreased tone of the neck muscles.

Thus, the orthopedic accessory is selected taking into account the structural features of the child's head and cervical spine. For example, pillows with memory can adapt themselves to the shape of the crumbs. In addition, the accessory helps to normalize blood circulation in the cervical area and helps to avoid deformation of the baby's head.

An orthopedic pillow for newborns is selected taking into account the structural features of the baby's head and cervical spine

An orthopedic pillow for newborns is selected taking into account the structural features of the baby's head and cervical spine

Orthopedic pillow: how to choose a product for a child

The question of which pillow to choose for babies' sleep is easier to understand if you know everything about the types of orthopedic products. So, depending on the shape of the accessory, there are these types of pillows for babies:

  • butterfly pillow;
  • inclined product;
  • positioner;
  • bathing pillow.

The pillow got its name "butterfly" due to its shape. This accessory is equipped with small rollers along the edge, as well as a notch in the middle. Due to this structure, the likelihood of curvature in the occipital region is excluded and tension is relieved from the cervical muscles. Following the anatomical shape of the back of the head and neck, the sleeping pillow ensures proper skull formation.

It is interesting! The so-called "butterflies" are prescribed by pediatricians in case of injuries to the neck area and at the first stages of rickets to prevent further development of the disease. Pillows of this type are also used for the diagnosis of torticollis from the second month of a child's life.

Speaking of positioners, it should be noted that they are specially designed for weak and premature babies, who are at risk for developing diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. The positioner is a kind of "cocoon". It is a flat surface with two rollers at the edges. Thanks to this accessory, the baby is not only fixed, but also the proper position of his body is maintained. Typically, orthopedic positioner pillows are prescribed for muscle dystonia.

The ideal pillow for a baby is one that contains synthetic filling

The ideal pillow for a baby is one that contains synthetic filling

Inclined products are made of dense materials and are recommended for use from the very first days of a baby's life. Due to the slight inclination, such an orthopedic pillow for children will be a real salvation if the baby is prone to regurgitation. Such an accessory helps to easily get rid of air that is swallowed during meals. This feature will help prevent colic.

Bathing pillows are made of waterproof materials. It is recommended to use such an accessory immediately after the baby begins to hold its head on its own. The product is a circle with a small hole in the middle. The presented pillow provides fixation of the baby's head, greatly facilitating the bathing process.

When it comes to which pillow is the best for a baby, it is worth noting that it is one that contains synthetic filler. The fact is that natural feathers and down are a very strong allergen and are contraindicated for babies. The best solution would be latex, silicone or synthetic winterizer.

However, despite all the advantages of synthetic padding, it should be borne in mind that the surface of the baby cushions should be made of natural fabric - cotton or linen.

Toddler cushions must be made of cotton or linen

Toddler cushions must be made of cotton or linen

An orthopedic pillow for newborns, reviews of which can be read on the Internet, must necessarily bring convenience and give a comfortable restful sleep. Before making a purchase, you should once again consult a pediatrician. If the product is really necessary for the crumbs, you should use the above tips.

Memory foam pillows: top secrets

Pillows that have a memory effect are among the best inventions of mankind for improving sleep. These wonderful products help to forget about fatigue, eliminate pain in the neck, speed up the process of falling asleep and even get rid of snoring. And all this is due to the fact that the pillow follows the contours of the neck, shoulders and head - those parts of the body that are located on it.

It is interesting! Memory - this is the name given to the thermosensitive filling of the pillows, which provides the so-called memory effect.The filler is made from specially treated silicone, latex or polyurethane, which ultimately gets viscoelastic characteristics.

The material is characterized by a foamed texture. There are thousands of tiny balloons inside, separated by thin membranes. When a person lies down on the memory pillow, due to his warmth, the partitions become softer. In this case, the pillow bends, but only in those places where heating has occurred due to contact with the body. The remaining area remains firm, which provides excellent support for the muscles.

Memory foam pillows only bend in places where heat occurs due to contact with the body

Memory foam pillows only bend in places where heat occurs due to contact with the body

Removing the head from the pillow, you will notice that it very slowly returns to its original shape. This is due to the fact that membranes, which have become soft due to heating, cool down, and it takes a few seconds for them to take their previous shape. Thus, if a person often turns over and twirls his head while sleeping, the pillow will gently envelop him with each movement, making it very smooth and maintaining a healthy and comfortable sleep.

Due to such a mechanism, one can feel that the head seems to be floating: it is supposedly located on a pillow, but at the same time a special filler does not allow back pressure on the body. On the contrary, the pillow pliantly takes the shape of the sleeper's head, while also supporting the neck.

A few words about choosing a memory foam pillow

Depending on preferences and personal medical recommendations, you can choose a pillow that is characterized by softness, medium hardness, or even completely hard. It all depends on your sleep preferences. For example, for those who like to sleep on their backs, a harder and lower pillow is best suited. But for those who sleep on their side or on their stomachs, it is recommended to give preference to a soft product in order to reduce the pressure on the vessels.

It is worth noting that Memory pillows vary in shape:

  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • wavy;
  • round;
  • with recesses;
  • with rollers.
A pillow with memory effect can be chosen one that is characterized by softness, medium hardness or even hard

A pillow with memory effect can be chosen one that is characterized by softness, medium hardness or even hard

For fans of the classics, we offer pillows filled with granules of material with memory effect.

For those who like to sleep on their backs, rectangular pillows are ideal as they are able to maintain proper position of both the head and neck. If it is most comfortable to sleep on your side, it is better to take a closer look at the pillows, which have a special recess for the shoulder. Manufacturers have not forgotten also about people who sleep on their stomachs - they have products in the shape of a star. These pillows support the shoulders and head without interfering with free breathing.

Thanks to the memory foam pillows, muscles can fully relax throughout the night. This effect is achieved due to the fact that there is no clamping of blood vessels, the head is actively supplied with oxygen.

Often, the reviews about the right memory foam pillows are the most enthusiastic. Especially from people who are familiar with spine problems firsthand. This thing is very convenient for those whose lifestyle does not differ in the amount of movement, who suffer from this from pain and tension in the neck area. Thus, a pillow with memory property is an irreplaceable guardian of proper rest during sleep.

For those who sleep on their backs, rectangular memory foam pillows are an excellent option.

For those who sleep on their backs, rectangular memory foam pillows are an excellent option.

Orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis: key features

The proper position of both the head and body in a dream depends on how rested a person will feel. Pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are the key to excellent health.A convenient accessory will help your body to take an extremely comfortable position in which every bone and muscle can relax.

It is interesting! The secret of how the cervical spine pillow can help you sleep comfortably lies in its filling and shape. Unlike the usual accessory, the product facilitates the placement of the cervical vertebrae according to the spine. Thanks to this, the body is in the proper position, and the body receives full blood circulation and rest.

Back health directly depends on a person's posture while awake and body position during sleep. Contrary to popular belief, not every sleeping position benefits the spine. Wanting to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis, many "rush" to extremes: they choose too soft pillows or sleep on a hard floor. However, the recipe for eliminating symptoms is choosing the right sleeping position. Speaking about how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow to feel rested upon waking up, it is worth noting that the best sleeping positions are:

  • on the back with slightly bent legs;
  • on the side;
  • "embryo".

Although for many from childhood, the prone position is a favorite, it is harmful to health. Despite the fact that the organs do not press on the spine, the rotation of the head affects the joints, which are in tension. A special pillow for sleeping on your stomach will save the situation, and thanks to it there will be no need to give up your favorite position.

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is the key to the patient's excellent well-being

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is the key to the patient's excellent well-being

What pillows are the most comfortable and useful for sleeping with osteochondrosis

To get rid of the problem of cervical osteochondrosis, it is not at all enough to focus on a single method of recovery. Treatment and prevention must certainly be considered in combination. This includes massage, special gymnastics, and, of course, bedding accessories. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews of which can be read on the Internet, can relieve pain.

These accessories are offered in the following forms:

  1. Roller. This type of pillow is able to provide a fixation of the neck and is ideal for a healthy sleep on the back or during long transport trips.
  2. Rectangular pillows. Such products are of two types: with rollers along the edge and a depression in the middle, as well as with a roller in the center. Both options have the same functionality, which is not affected by the location of the rollers.

When choosing a product for sleeping, it is important to remember that the right orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine is the one that is most comfortable to lie on.

How to choose the right orthopedic pillow for people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis

According to scientists, thanks to the daily use of orthopedic products, it is possible not only to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also to cure many diseases that are associated with the musculoskeletal system. That is why the query "how to choose an orthopedic pillow" takes a leading position in the list of search phrases.

Daily use of an orthopedic pillow helps to heal many diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Daily use of an orthopedic pillow helps to heal many diseases of the musculoskeletal system

When choosing an orthopedic product, it is important to pay special attention to its properties and shape. The best sleep pillows have the following characteristics:

  • take the load off the neck area;
  • promote the alignment of the head and body at the same level;
  • made of high quality materials;
  • hold, in addition to the neck, also the shoulders;
  • keep their shape.

Anatomical pillows, reviews of which can be read on any specialized site, give their owners a sound and full sleep. Therefore, if the morning begins with a smile from good health, then the correct answer has been found to the question of how to choose an orthopedic pillow.

Sleeping pillows: which fillers are better

Orthopedic sleep pillows for osteochondrosis have an important function. They are designed to maintain their shape and should be characterized by an average degree of rigidity. Filler helps to achieve this result.

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Varieties of products and options for fillers. The choice of a sleeping surface for a child and an adult. Features of water and air mattresses.

Some of the more common padding options for orthopedic pillows include:

  • memory;
  • latex;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • bamboo.
The most common options for padding for orthopedic pillows are memory, buckwheat husk, latex, bamboo

The most common options for padding for orthopedic pillows are memory, buckwheat husk, latex, bamboo

Memory is considered the highest quality and most modern type of filler for orthopedic products. The advantage of memory foam is that the material is able to conform to the shape of the body and to minimize stress on problem points.

Latex is a hypoallergenic material that has won the title of the hardest filler for pillows. Excellent air permeability, it is characterized by safety, is resistant to mold and mildew. Latex pillows help to reduce stress on the neck and also create conditions for a leveling of the back.

Buckwheat husk is a natural filler that has the ability to follow the contours of the head and massage the neck area, while improving blood flow. An additional advantage of pillows with such filling is their hypoallergenicity.

Accessories with bamboo filler are suitable for both adults and kids for the prevention of osteochondrosis. The fibers are endowed with deodorant and antibacterial properties to ensure comfortable and healthy sleep.

Hypoallergenic latex material is considered the hardest filler for pillows

Hypoallergenic latex material is considered the hardest filler for pillows

Orthopedic pillow rating: flagships that ensure healthy sleep

Today on the market there are a huge number of product options for comfortable sleep and relaxation. Pillows with a cooling effect, products for travel, for sleeping, orthopedic pillows for the chair - among such a variety it is easy to get confused. Plus, when trying to figure out which pillow is the best, reviews vary widely. So, in order to make it easier to navigate, a list of the best products is offered.

Tenth place belongs to the Magniflex memoform comfort pillow. It is filled with a special material, which is a microporous substance with a memory effect. This product is perfect for people with allergies.

It is interesting! The microporous texture provides excellent protection against dust mites, as well as against a variety of microorganisms that tend to provoke various diseases.

The pillowcase for this pillow is made of 100% cotton. Thanks to the zipper on it, it can be easily removed and washed.

The filling for Magniflex memoform comfort pillows is a microporous material with a memory effect

The filling for Magniflex memoform comfort pillows is a microporous material with a memory effect

Fosta is in the ninth place in the ranking of the best orthopedic pillows. Designed especially for babies, it will ensure a comfortable and healthy sleep. Its shape is thought out to the smallest detail: two rollers provide head support and protect the neck area. Plastic polyurethane foam acts as a filler.

Next comes the Liomma Lum F510 orthopedic neck pillow. This is a real find for motorists and travelers. The presented inflatable pillow will provide reliable support for the spine. Perhaps that is why it is often recommended as a means to prevent cervical osteochondrosis.

The seventh place belongs to the head pillow, which is designed for newborns. Often, for babies who are just born, it is absolutely not necessary to buy orthopedic accessories.However, there are times when a doctor decides to prescribe a similar product for a newborn. Then the Lum F-505 will be a wonderful option. It has a memory effect. In the center there is a small dimple for the head of the baby. The filler here is 100% polyurethane.

On the sixth step there is a pillow of the "Light" model, presented by the "Ormatek" company. This is a budget option, which is characterized by an average level of rigidity, compactness and a comfortable ergonomic shape. Ortofoam is the filler for this pillow.

Liomma Lum F510 orthopedic neck pillow ranks eighth in the ranking

Liomma Lum F510 orthopedic neck pillow ranks eighth in the ranking

It is interesting! Ortofoam is a material that is created from a variety of polyesters through the foaming method.

The fifth place is taken by a pillow in the form of a ring "Trives TOP-208". This product will become a faithful companion for every girl who recently became a mother. This pillow is made from natural latex and has antiseptic qualities. Such a product can reduce the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections or allergies.

The fourth place belongs to the Trelax Spectra orthopedic pillow under the back. It is an indispensable accessory for people who have to spend a lot of time in a sitting position. Such a product will be useful for motorists and office workers. An orthopedic seating cushion provides comfort, support and relieves stress. The filling here is polyurethane foam.

The top three includes a very pleasant pillow for sleeping - Tempur Sonata. Its filler is a viscoelastic softest material that can perfectly support the head. This pillow will certainly be appreciated by people who like to sleep both on their backs and on their sides.

Trelax Respecta Memory Foam Pillow named Best Orthopedic Product for Sleep

Trelax Respecta Memory Foam Pillow named Best Orthopedic Product for Sleep

The second step in the rating of pillows is the orthopedic product "Trives". This bedding accessory belongs to the premium class. And it is not surprising, because it is endowed with a memory effect, a comfortable microclimate and the ability to ensure proper blood supply. This pillow eliminates fatigue and relieves debilitating head pain.

Speaking about which orthopedic sleep pillows are the best, it should be noted that at the top of the pedestal is the Trelax Respecta memory foam product. Made from viscous-plastic polyurethane foam, this pillow perfectly adapts to the shape of the head. In this case, in order to hold the contour, it will take a few seconds. The pillow is characterized by plasticity and softness, and over time will help get rid of unpleasant moments related to sleep.

Pillow: size really matters

Taking care of your own health, comfort and convenience is very fashionable nowadays. After the fast pace of life and the bustle of the city, everyone needs to fully relax and unwind. People are interested in and receive information about how to sleep properly on an orthopedic pillow, but not everyone knows about the optimal size of a pillow that will help to fully relax.

So, at present, compact rectangular and square products have replaced rather large pillows, the size of which reaches 70x70 cm.At the same time, you can find bedding of the following dimensions on sale:

Standard sizes of pillows for babies are 40x40 cm

Standard sizes of pillows for babies are 40x40 cm

  • 40x40 cm;
  • 40x60 cm;
  • 50x50 cm;
  • 50x70 cm;
  • 60x60 cm;
  • 70x70 cm.

Note! Domestic factories often take the European standard for pillow sizes as a guideline. It is 50x70 cm.Taking into account this trend, the bedding sets include pillowcases 70x70 cm or 50x70 cm.

Regardless of the size of the pillows, you can always easily find bedding for any of them.Many ateliers specialize in sewing pillowcases in accordance with the required dimensions, because it is easy to turn a large one into a small one.

As for the standard sizes of pillows for babies, they are 40x40 cm or 40x60 cm. They are distinguished from accessories intended for adults only by the amount of filling material. It should be noted that orthopedists advise choosing exclusively flat pillows for babies under the age of 3 years.

Today, choosing bed linen for any shape and size of the pillow is not difficult.

Today, choosing bed linen for any shape and size of the pillow is not difficult.

Orthopedic sleep pillows: how to determine the size

The main postulate in determining the optimal size of the pillow is that it should not exceed the level of the person's shoulder. Thus, for large people, an accessory with a height of about 17 cm is suitable. In addition, high pillows are recommended for people suffering from hypertension, as well as snoring during sleep. Moreover, the shape depends solely on personal preferences and can be absolutely any - rectangular or square.

The following pillow options are recommended depending on the person's posture during sleep:

  • flat accessories are suitable for those who like to sleep on their backs;
  • for sleeping on the stomach, low and soft pillows are recommended;
  • for those who like to sleep on their side, it is better to give preference to tall and voluminous products.

In addition to dimensions, the height of the products is also important. For example, flat pillows are the best choice for those with soft mattresses. But for those who sleep on an orthopedic mattress with a hard base, it is recommended to give preference to a tall product for sleeping with a sufficient amount of filling material.

Orthopedic pillow: reviews of connoisseurs of healthy sleep

Below are the reviews of people who have already appreciated the advantages of orthopedic products. Here are some of them:

The vast majority of reviews of orthopedic pillows are positive

The vast majority of reviews of orthopedic pillows are positive

“A few months after starting to use the orthopedic pillow, I began to notice that my sleep became deeper, and the pain in my neck and head was practically gone.”

Kotlyar Lyudmila, Ufa

“I have been choosing a pillow for myself. I looked after the orthopedic one and decided to buy it. I am very pleased with the purchase. In the morning, the neck no longer feels numb and the back does not hurt. "

Berkova Svetlana, Tula.

“We bought orthopedic pillows with memory effect for each member of our family. Suitable for absolutely everyone. We are very pleased with the shape and filling. My husband got rid of the pain in his neck, and I stopped feeling a headache after sleeping. "

Krivosheeva Antonina, Perm.

“I have read more than once that orthopedic products have an unpleasant odor. Since I was tired of feeling discomfort in my neck after waking up, I decided to take a chance. I don’t feel an unpleasant aroma from the pillow, but I got rid of the pain ”.

Lyudmila, Tyumen.

Users note that orthopedic pillows help relieve neck pain and headache after sleep

Users note that orthopedic pillows help relieve neck pain and headache after sleep

“I doubted for a long time whether to buy an orthopedic pillow or not, but nevertheless I made up my mind and do not regret it at all. The pillow turned out to be really comfortable, it is very pleasant to sleep on it. It combines softness and resilience to keep the neck and head in position. "

Svetlana, Izhevsk

“Since for me the comfort during sleep comes first, I preferred an orthopedic pillow. Despite the fact that it was initially unusual, now it is very convenient. Due to the structure and materials used, the pillow has a "breathable" effect and perfectly conforms to the shape of the head. "

Ostrovskaya Ksenia, Barnaul

“This pillow is a godsend. No matter how spinning in a dream, the neck is constantly positioned correctly. I recommend it to everyone who still has doubts. "

Ekaterina, Ryazan

Orthopedic pillows do a great job of ensuring sound, healthy sleep

Orthopedic pillows do a great job of ensuring sound, healthy sleep

“When asked which pillows are the best, I can definitely answer - orthopedic.I bought it first for a child in order to cure torticollis. The effect is really amazing. Now the whole family sleeps on orthopedic products. "

Valentina, Moscow

Health is the most valuable gift that is given to every person, and healthy sleep is the most important condition for its preservation. Orthopedic products, in particular pillows, do an excellent job with this task. They provide a comfortable and complete rest.

Due to the variety of models, you can choose the optimal product based on your needs. An orthopedic pillow, a photo of which can be found in any online store, can be created both for sleep and for rest or work at a computer, for travel, for babies, as well as for people suffering from back and neck diseases. After reading the numerous reviews, reviewing the rating and reading tips on how to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping, you can find a model that will give you a really sweet sleep for more than one year.