The list of modern materials that create a water-repellent layer is very wide. Among them, the place of honor is rightfully occupied by liquid glass. For waterproofing, it is used at various facilities. The unique properties of the product create protection from moisture not only on the floor, foundations, but also on car headlights, as well as in structures that have direct contact with water, in particular in pools or wells. This article will tell you about it.

Liquid glass for waterproofing: reliable protection against moisture
Liquid glass is rightfully considered one of the best means for waterproofing.

Features, characteristics and composition of liquid glass

Popular in construction, everyday life and creativity, the agent called liquid glass is a viscous homogeneous substance. According to the chemical formula, it is an aqueous solution of sodium silicate or potassium silicate. The product contains microcrystals, which are perfectly absorbed after application, penetrate into the middle of the porous material, where they increase in size. When cured, they provide excellent water protection and make the surface airtight.

Liquid glass is an aqueous solution of potassium or sodium silicate
Liquid glass is an aqueous solution of potassium or sodium silicate

Due to its high penetrating power, the material is also called soluble glass. It contains molten quartz sand or soda, potassium or sodium silicate. The technological process of creating a product involves roasting, crushing and thorough mixing of its components. The versatility of liquid glass is due to its characteristics, including:

  • water repellency properties, that is, water repellency;
  • antiseptic effect that prevents the formation of bacteria, fungi and mold;
  • antistatic - after coating with a product, the surfaces do not electrify and are less covered with dust;
  • high degree of hardening, which contributes to the creation of additional strength of the material;
  • protection against the effects of alkalis and acids;
  • refractoriness.

Advantages and disadvantages, scope of application, features of processing with liquid glass

The versatility of the tool implies its widespread use in different areas of production. Most often used in construction. Processing with liquid glass is performed in cases where it is necessary to carry out the following types of work:

Liquid glass is great for waterproofing wood
Liquid glass is great for waterproofing wood
  • foundation waterproofing;
  • creating a waterproof layer on walls, ceilings and floors in underground rooms;
  • waterproofing of pools and wells;
  • addition to concrete to enhance water-repellent qualities and strength characteristics;
  • dedusting concrete floor surfaces;
  • waterproofing of wood;
  • creation of a bactericidal grout;
  • fast gluing of different materials;
  • use as a quick-drying substance;
  • creation of a fire protection cover;
  • protection of tree trunks after cutting;
  • application as sealant in plumbing works;
  • cleaning surfaces and dishes;
  • decorating walls and creating self-leveling floors.

Helpful advice! A wide list of positive qualities, as well as the environmental friendliness and harmlessness of liquid glass, suggest its use not only in construction, but also in everyday life.

One of the ways to protect the base of the house from moisture is waterproofing with liquid glass - reviews from both experienced craftsmen and novice builders indicate a high degree of waterproofing of the film that covers the surface. Additional advantages are given by other advantages of the material:

Dissolved glass creates a waterproof layer on the treated surface
Dissolved glass creates a waterproof layer on the treated surface
  • high degree of adhesion;
  • small expense of funds;
  • affordable price in comparison with other sealants;
  • at least five years of operation of the waterproofing layer;
  • the ability to use in high humidity conditions.

The main disadvantages of waterproofing with liquid glass

Listing the advantages of the tool, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages that this universal tool has:

  1. Limited in combination with other materials, since this composition can only be applied to concrete surfaces and wood products. It is impossible to use liquid glass on brick surfaces, since it will contribute to its destruction.
  2. Impossibility of pure application. Waterproofing is made with the addition of other materials, the absence of which will entail the destruction of the protective layer.
  3. Mandatory compliance with the proportions of liquid glass in combination with other components of the solution. Otherwise, the waterproofing properties and strength characteristics of the mixture will be lost.
The silicate solution must be applied very quickly so that it does not dry out.
The silicate solution must be applied very quickly so that it does not dry out.

In addition, this composition is characterized by the complexity of the application technology. Certain skills are required for waterproofing. The work does not tolerate slowness, as the mixture dries very quickly. For the same reason, it is better to mix the solution in small quantities.

Thus, the material itself is really a universal tool used to impart water-repellent properties to different surfaces. The success of its application depends on strict adherence to the rules for performing work and proportions of liquid glass for waterproofing.

How to use liquid glass for waterproofing: methods of application

There are different ways of using a silicate solution to make objects water-repellent.It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before using liquid glass for waterproofing in order to choose the most effective and suitable technology in a particular case. The main methods of using the product:

  • coating method;
  • penetration technique;
  • adding material to concrete.
Most often, liquid glass is applied by coating or added to concrete
Most often, liquid glass is applied by coating or added to concrete

The coating method helps to create the most effective surface protection, in particular, it is used for waterproofing the foundation as a preliminary layer, which is applied under roll insulation. For this purpose, with this product (in pure form), a concrete surface is covered in two layers. After the liquid glass has completely dried, the main stage of insulation work is performed.

Helpful advice! Applying a coating layer to a concrete surface not only provides additional waterproofing, but also protects it from the appearance and development of harmful organisms, fungi and mold.

The penetrating technique is indispensable when it is difficult to reach the surface to be treated. In this case, do not use pure liquid glass, but mix it with water in a 1: 1 ratio and add another part of the dry mortar. The solution is thoroughly mixed and applied immediately, as it dries very quickly. It is recommended to prepare a small amount of the mixture.

The coating method allows you to create high-quality surface protection
The coating method allows you to create high-quality surface protection

It is important to thoroughly clean the surface to be treated before applying the solution. In this case, the adhesion of the materials will be faster and more reliable. The mixture is applied with a spatula and the surface is covered with a wet cloth to prevent cracking of the coating.

The use of liquid glass for concrete waterproofing

The addition of silicate solutions to concrete in order to increase its water-repellent properties is the most popular way to use liquid glass in construction. This method allows you to create a monolithic foundation and provide reliable waterproofing. These two factors are the best explanation for why liquid glass is added to concrete. The very procedure for preparing the mixture is simple. You can do this yourself.

The main thing in this process is consistency in adding components and observing the proportions of water glass and cement for waterproofing. In order to prevent cracking and destruction of concrete, it is important to consider the conditions in which the ready-made mortar will be used. To do this, you must follow these rules:

When using liquid glass with concrete, you must strictly follow the instructions
When using liquid glass with concrete, you must strictly follow the instructions
  1. Dissolve glass is not added to the finished cement slurry. First, a dry mixture is prepared, then it is gradually diluted with a trickle of liquid glass mixed with water, while thoroughly mixing the solution.
  2. When adding silicate mortar to cement, it is important to strictly follow the instructions recommending strict adherence to the proportions of water glass in concrete. For waterproofing, this figure is only 3%, although in other cases it can reach 25% (of the total weight).
  3. When adding a sodium silicate mixture, the concrete solution hardens quickly. The work is simplified by adding water or making minimal portions.
  4. It is not recommended to prepare the mortar in a concrete mixer, as it will begin to harden even during the mixing process.

Liquid glass for waterproofing concrete: ratio of materials

There are a number of subtleties in mixing a cement-sand mortar with liquid glass for waterproofing. The proportions of concrete and silicate agent are generally 10: 1. In rare cases, a different material ratio may be used.

As a rule, 10 parts of concrete and 1 part of soluble glass are taken to prepare the solution.
As a rule, 10 parts of concrete and 1 part of soluble glass are taken to prepare the solution.

Attention! In no case should water be added to the finished mixture of concrete and water glass after the solution has been kneaded.

The process and the duration of its hardening depend on how much glue is included in the composition:

  • if there is 2% liquid glass in the solution, the setting process will begin in about 45 minutes, and complete hardening will occur in a day;
  • adding 5% of the agent to the cement-sand mixture will entail an accelerated hardening process, which will begin in half an hour, and the final result will be noticeable after 16 hours;
  • 8% soluble glass in the solution will set in a quarter of an hour, and the concrete will completely dry out in 7 hours;
  • the setting process with a proportion of 10% will take place after 5 minutes, and complete hardening - after only 4 hours.

When deciding whether it is possible to add liquid glass to concrete, it is important to take into account the type of cement. In this case, the M300 and M400 brands are applicable. To achieve a waterproof effect, the amount of glue is increased, but at the same time its maximum indicator should not exceed 25%. To prepare the solution, it is best to use a construction mixer, adhering to the following principles:

The solution must be thoroughly mixed, for this it is better to use a construction mixer
The solution must be thoroughly mixed, for this it is better to use a construction mixer
  • you need to use clean drinking water, without impurities and salts, its maximum amount per batch is 10 liters;
  • add liquid glass to the water and mix;
  • the liquid is poured into a larger container;
  • gradually add a sand-cement dry mixture to the water-silicate solution;
  • the solution is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Feasibility of waterproofing with liquid glass at different facilities

The use of liquid glass with cement for waterproofing is popular in various cases, which is primarily due to the reliability of waterproof protection, the affordable price of materials and a number of other factors that make it possible to use the product in various fields:

Related article:

Liquid glass for concrete: versatility of silicate mixture

The composition of the solution, scope, rules of use. Composing proportions. The cost of the mixture and customer reviews.

  • covering concrete with liquid glass on the street and in the middle of the room makes it practically invulnerable to moisture and assumes its use under water;
  • waterproofing the pool with liquid glass is a less troublesome process in comparison with the use of other materials for this purpose, which allows you to get an excellent result at low cost;
  • basement waterproofing using sodium silicate will protect the underground room from the penetration of ground and melt water, and also save it from the formation of mold and mildew;
  • waterproofing the foundation with liquid glass will protect the entire building from moisture entering the middle of the room, which is especially important in places where groundwater is located close to the earth's surface;
Silicate mortar is ideal for waterproofing horizontal surfaces
Silicate mortar is ideal for waterproofing horizontal surfaces
  • the application of a water-repellent layer of liquid glass on the walls of premises is a less popular method of waterproofing, which is relevant mainly for underground premises;
  • liquid glass used for waterproofing the well helps to create reliable protection against water loss from the reservoir, and the efficiency increases when a double layer is applied;
  • waterproofing the floor with liquid glass is most effective, since it provides for penetration into the smallest pores and cracks of any surface, which is due to the chemical characteristics of the material.

Helpful advice! In addition to providing reliable waterproofing of the floor, liquid glass acts as an antiseptic and can be used as an adhesive for installing any roll or block floor covering.

Do-it-yourself liquid glass waterproofing: general recommendations

Any surface (or object) is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt before applying a sodium silicate solution or cement waterproofing with liquid glass, followed by a standard set of actions:

Dissolved glass can be applied with brushes, rollers or spatula
Dissolved glass can be applied with brushes, rollers or spatula
  1. Coating the surface with a mixture using a brush, roller or spatula (if cement is added to the liquid glass).
  2. Application (if necessary) of a repeated layer at half-hour intervals.
  3. Preparing the mortar for the protective layer if the waterproofing involves the use of concrete. The components are quickly mixed and applied, without allowing the mixture to solidify.
  4. Reuse or storage of cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glue is unacceptable, since the quality of the material is quickly lost.

Before using a silicate solution, it is necessary to examine it for the presence of impurities and additives. The composition should be homogeneous, without foreign inclusions or lumps. You can store the product in its pure form for a relatively long time in a tightly closed container. The application temperature for liquid glass ranges from 5 to 40 ° C. Storage is permissible even in frost at -30 ° C, since frost resistance is one of the many positive qualities of the material.

The given recommendations are of a general nature, below we will consider specific cases of using liquid glass for waterproofing. For example, to use the product on the foundation, its surface is cleaned with sandpaper, the solution is applied with a roller in 2, and, if desired, in 3 layers with an interval of 30 minutes.

The use of liquid glass for waterproofing swimming pools

The pool is considered to be a rather complex construction object that must cope with significant loads, in particular, withstand a large column of water, preventing it from flowing out of the bowl. Without waterproofing measures, water will have the opposite effect and lead to surface destruction.

Swimming pool waterproofing must be performed not only inside the bowl, but also outside
Swimming pool waterproofing must be performed not only inside the bowl, but also outside

Pool waterproofing with liquid glass is carried out both inside the bowl and outside it. Double protection will help to avoid a number of negative consequences: inside the structure it will prevent destruction and leakage, and from the outside it will protect the object from the unwanted effects of groundwater. If we neglect the waterproofing measures, then under the influence of underground waters that penetrate into the pores of concrete, the reinforcement will collapse, which will inevitably lead to deformation of the entire structure. It is liquid glass, forming a film that repels water, that can prevent cracks in the walls of the pool.

For waterproofing the pool with liquid glass, different technologies of applying the material are used: by brush, roller, by spraying. Outside, it is desirable to cover the surface in 3-4 layers. Inside, a two-layer application of the product is enough. In this type of work, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clean the surface of any debris.
  2. Make the top of the structure as flat as possible by stripping. If necessary, re-plaster and grout.
  3. Degrease the surface.
  4. The presence of tubercles is not higher than 1 mm.

Helpful advice! In places with high humidity, such as a pool or basement, the mixture is taken in the proportion of liquid glass with concrete 1:10.

Swimming pool waterproofing with liquid glass is convenient to perform by spraying
Swimming pool waterproofing with liquid glass is convenient to perform by spraying

If you neglect such elementary rules, then after hardening, the coating will peel off and crack. In this case, the waterproofing will have to be carried out completely again with the dismantling of the previous layer.

Do-it-yourself basement waterproofing with liquid glass: stages of work

Coating basements and attics with liquid glass is similar to the process of waterproofing concrete structures.Due to the high degree of protection, it is permissible to apply the material both outside the building and inside it. The process itself is quite operational, the service life is quite long, equal to the service life of the premises itself.

The property of liquid glass to penetrate into the smallest pores and cracks guarantees reliable protection against moisture. Despite the water repellency, the hardened layer does not lose vapor permeability. For waterproofing the basement with liquid glass, cement mortar is used indoors. To prepare 10 liters of the mixture, it is enough to take 1 liter of the silicate composition.

For waterproofing the basement from the inside with liquid glass, the mixture is prepared according to a different recipe. To do this, take cement, sand and soluble glass in a ratio of 1.5: 1.5: 4. In this case, the amount of water should not exceed 25% of the total weight of the solution. The works on waterproofing the cellar with liquid glass are carried out in the following sequence:

For waterproofing the basement, it is necessary to mix liquid glass, sand and cement in a ratio of 4: 1.5: 1.5
For waterproofing the basement, it is necessary to mix liquid glass, sand and cement in a ratio of 4: 1.5: 1.5
  1. Surface preparation, which includes cleaning of dirt, dust and debris.
  2. Processing the workplace with a sandblasting device to expose the pores of concrete.
  3. Wipe the surface with an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. For greater confidence, you can treat it with an antiseptic, although the liquid glass itself has antibacterial properties.
  5. Protrobovaniye of holes, cracks and joints 25 mm deep and 20 mm wide.
  6. Creation of an airtight layer on engineering communications.
  7. Wetting the concrete surface by irrigation.
  8. Preparation of a waterproofing solution in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  9. Prompt application of the mixture with a spatula or brush.

Waterproofing with liquid glass of the basement and foundation: coating and penetrating technologies

Builders use two main technologies for waterproofing the foundation and basement with liquid glass. The coating method of waterproofing the foundation is necessary when the use of bituminous solutions is undesirable, for example, in the case of using roll materials made of polymers that are incompatible with petroleum products. The water-protective function of sodium silicate is manifested in its penetration into the pores of the material. Moreover, the protective layer itself is only a few millimeters in thickness.

Helpful advice! With a phased implementation of work, you can get reliable insulation that will protect the structure not only from moisture, but also from fire.

A solution with liquid glass for waterproofing the foundation and basement is prepared in small portions
A solution with liquid glass for waterproofing the foundation and basement is prepared in small portions

The process itself includes the following stages:

  • cleaning and degreasing the surface;
  • light grinding with a brush to open the capillaries on the concrete surface;
  • application of the product. To cover concrete, liquid glass is applied with a wide brush;
  • after the first layer has dried, the second is performed;
  • after complete hardening of the solution, roll waterproofing is performed.

Penetration technology is mainly used for waterproofing joints and seams in a block type base. The solution is a mixture of cement, diluted with water with the addition of water glass, which should be no more than 5% of the total volume. The mixture is prepared in small portions, before this preparatory work is carried out, including the joining of seams, joints and other damage, as well as their cleaning. Cracks are grooved, giving them a U-shape.

Dissolved glass with concrete is excellent for waterproofing joints and seams
Dissolved glass with concrete is excellent for waterproofing joints and seams

The solution is prepared in this way: dilute liquid glass with water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15. The resulting mixture is poured into dry cement to obtain a thick and plastic mass. Repeated mixing of the solution is unacceptable, since the crystal formation process will be disrupted, which will lead to a loss of adhesive properties.

The use of liquid glass for waterproofing wells

In order to retain water in the well, it is waterproofed.Otherwise, the contents will simply seep through the walls into the soil, as a result of which the reservoir will lose its purpose. The main thing is to provide reliable insulation between the rings of the well and impregnate the concrete walls themselves.

Before starting work, you must make sure that the well is securely fixed, otherwise waterproofing will not save it from seepage. To avoid such undesirable consequences, additional fastening is carried out using strong metal brackets. After the strengthening work, the joints between the rings are covered. To do this, use a rope made of flax, jute or hemp, coat it with liquid glass and tighten the inter-ring seams.

First, the well is covered with clean liquid glass, and after drying, a concrete solution is applied
First, the well is covered with clean liquid glass, and after drying, a concrete solution is applied

After that, the general waterproofing of the wells with liquid glass is performed in two stages. The first involves coating the walls with a clean agent, the second - applying a concrete solution consisting of a cement-sand mixture and sodium silicate in equal parts. It is advisable to carry out work on creating an insulating layer during the construction stages, applying the agent to a dry surface until the tank is filled with water. If partial filling does occur, then it is recommended to cover the walls not covered by water as much as possible.

Features of waterproofing with liquid glass of rooms with high humidity

The method of applying a moisture-protective layer using sodium silicate as one of the most budgetary options is widely used in different rooms with high humidity. This method is often used for priming indoor pools, saunas, showers and bathrooms.

Helpful advice! The maximum content of water glass in the cement slurry should be 25%, exceeding this indicator will lead to rapid destruction of concrete.

Outdoor pool waterproofing technology is not characterized by distinctive properties. The main feature is the use of special solutions made for internal work. For example, a pool grout is specially formulated and applied in a thicker layer will provide a long service life for the water tank.

Objects subject to high humidity are best handled in two steps
Objects subject to high humidity are best handled in two steps

For waterproofing floors, pallets and other surfaces in rooms with high humidity, liquid glass is used in its pure form or as impregnations and additives. Due to its good penetration into the pores of concrete and wood, the material provides reliable protection against destruction and corrosion.

Liquid glass for waterproofing a bathroom used to be used quite widely, due to the cheapness of the material and ease of application. The main disadvantage is its poor wear resistance due to constant exposure to moisture. Manufacturers have now come up with many alternatives to the classic material. At the same time, it is sodium silicate that is an indispensable tool for waterproofing sewer pipes, pouring joints in concrete floors of bathrooms and homemade trays in showers.

The cost of liquid glass for waterproofing: recommendations for buying material

The affordable price of liquid glass for waterproofing is the main advantage of a universal product. Other synthetic impregnations and insulators, including the latest generation, are several times more expensive. The price of a material depends on such components as density, modulus and volume of the purchased item. It is recommended to buy the solution in special containers, and not by weight. Tightly closing production containers prevent premature drying of the product. You can buy the solution at any building supermarket or at a hardware store.

Average cost of instant glass is $ 2 per 10 liters
Average cost of instant glass is $ 2 per 10 liters

The cost of waterproofing material in a certain way depends on the choice of the manufacturer. The assortment is quite wide, but there is practically no difference in the composition of the product, since it is made in accordance with GOST 13078-81. Therefore, the choice of the brand is up to the buyer. The average price of liquid glass for waterproofing concrete for 10 liters is about $ 2. Thus, the multifunctional material has a low cost.

The purchase price also depends on the amount of funds purchased. As with most building materials, wholesale purchases are much cheaper. A more significant cost is a special high-density liquid glass, which is used for waterproofing swimming pools.

Helpful advice! Independent work will help save on waterproofing, but this will require some skill in applying a solution, which sets very quickly.

How to work with liquid glass for waterproofing: general recommendations for application

In various types of waterproofing work, one of the important conditions is surface preparation. The reliability of the coating depends on thorough cleaning of the workplace from dirt, dust and grease. Otherwise, the adhesive properties of water glass and the absorbency of the base will be reduced.

It is necessary to apply the mixture with liquid glass on a clean, prepared surface
It is necessary to apply the mixture with liquid glass on a clean, prepared surface

Despite the quick hardening of the mixture, it is recommended to allow approximately 24 hours for the mortar to dry completely. In case of layered coating, it is imperative to allow time for curing when applying each of the layers. The product in pure form or in combination with water is applied as a paint using a wide brush or roller. When working with cement mortar, a plastering trowel is used.

The choice between the type of liquid glass, which can be sodium or potassium, depends on the range of proposed work. Potassium silicate is used to create and fill foundations as it has a more viscous material structure. In waterproofing works, the sodium version is more acceptable.

Sodium-based liquid glass is cheaper, but potassium silicate has better waterproofing characteristics and can serve as a stand-alone coating. On top of the sodium solution, another layer of waterproofing will be required. This is usually the traditional finish of the pool with polypropylene, mosaic, PVC or ceramic tiles.

Liquid glass for waterproofing: useful tips and safety rules

For more efficient use of liquid glass, experienced builders have developed a number of useful tips that should not be neglected:

It is necessary to apply liquid glass with gloves and closed clothing so that the substance does not get on the skin
It is necessary to apply liquid glass with gloves and closed clothing so that the substance does not get on the skin
  • liquid glass cannot be used for waterproofing brick surfaces, since a rapidly hardening mixture can lead to the destruction of the brick base;
  • it is necessary to prepare and apply the composition in small portions, since liquid glass sets very quickly;
  • in preparing a solution, important conditions are the observance of proportions and consistency in mixing the components, otherwise this tool will simply lose all its properties;
  • sodium-based water glass has a higher adhesion and perfectly binds to mineral materials, and potassium water glass can be used in environments with high acidity.

Thus, liquid glass is actually an irreplaceable and truly universal waterproofing agent. By using it in the correct proportions with other materials and using the minimum dosage, you can get a high quality and durable waterproofing. The solution can be used on a variety of surfaces and objects. Simplicity and ease of use make it possible to carry out work with your own hands.